Friday, August 22, 2008

USA-New York New York=> Connecticut

I am flying off to America this evening. Gosh, 3 times within 1 year! First to Connecticut, then San Diego, now back to CT. Will be dropping by New York on Sunday for a walk around. Thank you my sweets in the Stamford office. Can't wait to see you all again.
And those lovelies in Singapore, you will be fondly missed. Will bring some delicious American junk food back for our mini 'pantry'/ cozy food corner.

You will be missed too, Bunny! Will come to CN to visit you soon. Keeping up the jogging. \(^-^)/


(This time, I had better remember to bring my cable to transfer my photos to this blog!) Omigod! The long haul flight ahead. (=_+)


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