Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Viva Voodoo Fun!

Matthew 5:39 in the Bible says “…But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also”.

I have been blessed with very nice colleagues all this while. It is too perfect I think. I love them all and I count their company as my daily blessings.
A bastard has been sent to spruce things up and to remind me not to take things for granted. Yes, perhaps that is so.

Mr. ATWB is one big @#%*ing asshole. He disregards people, is completely unhelpful, very dense and tries to kill you by writing loaded emails to our director. I have tried for 3 months to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s just a ‘cool’ person who needs some time for us to find some redeeming quality in him.
Nah, so wrong. It just gets worse to the extent that you want to run to IKEA and buy that funny Voodoo doll to poke at him at night.
\(o_0)=O POW!

Do you have an arse faced co-worker in the office you badly want to inflict pain upon? Here is a really good game to vent your frustrations on:
It helps you steer clear of committing homicide or getting forced into attending compulsory anger management classes.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh .. countless time I face situation like you mentioned.

I often separate what is work and what is personal. So, professionally, I deal with work the way I would to any Tom Dick and Harry. For personality, I usually shut myself off from them or distant myself away from them. If it is the inevitable, I will just position my way out of it. The world is big. Opportunities are plentiful.

My 5 cents ... have a nice day!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

lol!!! you're too funny girl!! you made me laugh out really hard for a good minute!!

true, there's bound to be at least one walking butthole in the office. i've had my fair share of encounters with them and sometimes all i want to do is to stuff a smelly sock into their bloody smirking faces! lol!!

4:43 PM  
Blogger I.V.Y. said...

True, Wilfird. Steer clear of such people and allow their attitude to take care of their future in the company. ;-P

Jenn, high five!

1:03 AM  

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